How Many Deaths Occur Annually in the U.S. and
What Inhalants are involved?
It was once estimated there were approximately 125 deaths annually in the U.S. attributed to inhalants. It has also been stated that there is no data available to identify this number. These two statements are incorrect. Firstly, there are 350-500+ inhalant deaths in the U.S. each year which are never publicized; and secondly, inhalant deaths can be obtained from medical examiner data which can be requested if not available in Medical Examiner Annual Reports. The chemical involved along with the gender and age of the individual can also be identified.
Some Medical Examiner Annual Reports will include inhalant deaths in the “Accidental Drug Overdose – inhalant” group, yet are most often listed as “Other” due to the low numbers in relation to illicit drug overdoses. If there is a specific increasing trend of inhalant deaths in a given year, they will likely be identified. Medical Examiner Offices can be contacted to request inhalant data, and most are accommodating. Inhalant deaths usually involve an autopsy to determine the cause of death and identify the chemical(s) involved.
Additional inhalant death information can be obtained through articles discussing an increasing inhalant use problem in a specific local. This process does take time and effort, but these numbers are available. Samples of Medical Examiner Office Data have been provided. All Data reported represents the previous year’s deaths since these reports are created after the data is compiled.
Chemical Key:
Chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC); Difluoroethane (DFE); Isobutane/Butane (C4H10); Acet. (Acetone – CH3COCH3); Tol. (Toluene – CH3); He (Helium); VH (Volatile Hydrocarbon); Prop. (Propane – C3H8); Freon (Freon – Trifluorotrichloroethane CFCs); NO2 (Nitrous Oxide); Chloet. (Chloroethane – CH3CH2CL).

This state has not been investigated thoroughly. Numbers would have to be identified by County Medical Examiner Offices. San Diego County Medical Examiner reported 21 Difluoroethane deaths from 2007 – 2012; Los Angeles Medical Examiner Annual Report identified 175 inhalant deaths in 2012.