Natioanl Survey On Drug Use and Health
Ever Used Inhalants Nationwide, 7.0% of students had sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any paints or sprays to get high one or more times during their life (i.e., ever used inhalants) (Table 65). The prevalence of having ever used inhalants was higher among Hispanic female (8.3%) than white female (5.9%) students. The prevalence of having ever used inhalants was higher among 9th-grade (8.3%) than 11th-grade (5.9%) and 12th-grade (6.0%) students and higher among 9th-grade female (8.5%) and 10th-grade female (7.8%) than 11th-grade female (4.6%) and 12th-grade female (4.9%) students. During 1995–2015, a significant linear decrease occurred overall in the prevalence of having ever used inhalants (20.3%– 7.0%). A significant quadratic trend was not identified. The prevalence of having ever used inhalants without a doctor’s prescription decreased significantly from 2013 (8.9%) to 2015 (7.0%). Across 29 states, the prevalence of having ever used inhalants ranged from 3.2% to 11.6% (median: 7.7%) (Table 66). Across 16 large urban school districts, the prevalence ranged from 4.7% to 12.7% (median: 7.7%).

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